Saturday, August 30, 2008

Thanks, friend!

This summer I was feeling a little low and one of the HSYM youth gave me a word of encouragement. All she did was tell me that she appreciated me. Those words have been repeated by so many, so often, in so many situations without even a thought of their meaning; however, when she spoke those words, they were exactly what I needed to hear when I needed to hear them. So... I wrote a poem...

One Kind Word

One kind word was spoken to me today.
It was enough to send my sorrow and sadness away.
The power of that word the sender could not have known.
Yet, healing balm abounds when kindness and love are shown.

Simple, but true! Thank you, friend, for that kind word. I was feeling blue and you showed me that you cared. Let us be encouragers, even when we feel like we are the ones who need encouragement. Kind words are like boomerangs-- they are sent out from our hearts, fly by others to spread good will, and then return back to us. Again, thank you, friend!